Ted Lasso is a comedy sports series focused on the fictional British Soccer team AFC Richmond. Currently, the Ted Lasso web series has two seasons with the third season renewed, and the web series is about a football coach from Kansas City who is hired to lead the team despite having no experience with Soccer. So, If you like to watch the Ted Lasso web series, you can watch it via the Apple TV app. Luckily, the Apple TV app is available for your Firestick. So, this article will guide you on how to watch Ted Lasso on Firestick.
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Apple TV is a standalone streaming platform owned by Apple Inc. Like other streaming services, you need a subscription to access the Apple TV app, and it will cost $4.99 per month and $49.99 per year with a seven-day free trial. So, you need to get an Apple TV+ subscription to watch the Ted Lasso web series.
How to Watch Ted Lasso on Firestick
The Apple TV app is officially available on Firestick’s App Store. So, use the below steps to install Apple TV and watch Ted Lasso on your Fire TV.
[1] Setup your Firestick device on your TV’s HDMI port and connect to an internet connection.
[2] Go to the home screen of your Firestick.
[3] Select the Find tab followed by the Search tile and type Apple TV using the on-screen keyboard.
[4] Select the Apple TV app from the search list.
[5] To install the Apple TV app, select the Get / Download button.
[6] Once installed, click Open, and the Apple TV app will launch automatically on your Firestick.
[7] Then, sign in with your Apple TV+ subscription account.
[8] Now, search for Ted Lasso and select a season and the episode to watch.
[9] You can now enjoy watching the Ted Lasso series on your Firestick.
Best VPNs for Firestick
How to Watch Ted Lasso on Firestick using a VPN
You are recommended to use a VPN service as Apple TV contents are restricted in certain regions.
[1] Subscribe to ExpressVPN with any of its subscription plans on its official website.
[2] Then, search and install ExpressVPN on Firestick.
[3] Open the ExpressVPN app and complete the sign-in process.
[4] Select the US VPN server and click on the Connect button.
[5] Now, return to the Firestick home page and select the Apple TV app under the Your Apps & Channels option.
[6] Search for Ted Lasso and stream it on your Fire TV.
1. How can I watch Ted Lasso?
With your Apple TV+ subscription, you can stream Ted Lasso on your streaming device.
2. Can I watch Ted Lasso on Amazon Prime Video?
No, Ted Lasso isn’t available on Amazon Prime Video.
3. How much is an Apple TV+ subscription cost?
The Apple TV+ subscription will cost you $4.99 per month and $49.99 for a year with 7 days free trial.