Dark series is the Sci-fi thriller series is written and directed by Jantje Friese, Ronny Schalk, Marc O. Seng, Martin Behnke and Daphne Ferraro. It was initially released on December 1, 2017, represented as the first German original series produced for Netflix. The story is about a missing child who caused four families to help each other for answers. It consists of 3 seasons with a total of 26 episodes. The below article will show how to watch Dark on your Amazon Firestick from anywhere in the world using a VPN.
Valuable Findings !!
Whether you are aiming to hide your IP online or bypass the geo-restrictions while streaming on Firestick, a VPN will act as a solution. In the process of reviewing lots of VPNs available in the market, we found NordVPN for Firestick to be the best in terms of security, speed, and convenience.
With over 5000+ servers in over 50+ countries and no bandwidth limits, we guarantee NordVPN will keep you away from spying eyes and offer an unhindered online experience. As NordVPN integrates with Firestick, all you need to do is install, log in, and connect to the server of your choice.
You can now take advantage of NordVPN's exclusive offer for a discounted price of 69% off + 3 Months Extra. Thus, you are one step away from protecting your Firestick from online threats. Choose NordVPN for your Fire TV or Firestick as a reliable VPN and keep your digital presence private.
Netflix is one of the most used streaming platforms globally, and no wonder the app is available for Amazon Firestick. With Netflix, you can watch all the latest movies, series, and Netflix Originals with native and English subtitles. The best thing is about Netflix is that you can alter the video quality based on your internet speed. Netflix has three subscription plans Basic-$8.99, Standard- $13.99, and Premium- $17.99. So, subscribe to Netflix to watch Dark on Firestick.
How to Watch Dark on Firestick
Though the Netflix app is available on the Amazon App Store, you can directly install the app on your Fire TV Stick with the below steps to watch the Dark series.
[1] Click the Lens-shaped icon (Search icon) on the Home screen.
[2] Type Netflix and search for the app.
[3] The app will be listed under the Apps & Games category. Select the app.
[4] Click the Get icon or Download icon on the next screen to download the app.
[5] The app will be downloaded and installed automatically. Click the Open icon to launch the app.
[6] Sign in or sign up with your Netflix account.
[7] Search for the Dark series and start watching it on your Firestick-connected TV screen.
How to Stream Dark on Firestick using a VPN
You can use a VPN service since Netflix has geo-restriction for certain content. VPN will easily bypass the limitations and allow you to stream Dark on Firestick from anywhere abroad.
[1] Go to the Fire TV home screen and select the Search icon.
[2] Type NordVPN and choose the same from the options below.
[3] Then, click Get to download the VPN app from the Amazon App Store.
[4] After downloading, select Open to launch NordVPN on Firestick.
[5] Enter your NordVPN account credentials.
[6] Choose the VPN server and click Connect to get an encrypted VPN service.
[7] Finally, open the Netflix app and watch the Dark series on your Fire TV screen.
Best VPNs for Firestick
1. Can I get Netflix on Firestick?
Yes, Netflix is available on Amazon Firestick in all regions. In addition, it is available on the official Amazon App Store and is free to download.
2. Is Dark worth watching on Netflix?
Yes, the Dark series is worth watching, and it got an 8.8 for 10 IMDB rating.
3. How many seasons of the Dark are there?
Dark series has 3 seasons with 26 episodes.